Thursday, August 5, 2010

Living the Suite Life

Since the beginning of June, my family lives in a hotel...that's right, a hotel.

What pray-tell could be the reason for this uprooting of our family?
A new house in a new city where Mr. Man's new job is.

Mr. Incredible started his new job in March and really enjoys it. It is a job with plenty of responsibility - no different then lots of others out there. This new job came with a suggestion that our family become "part of the community" and so, with that, we put our plan into action to do just that.

Our builder insisted that we hustle-hustle and sell our home so that we could move forward with plans for building in the new city...hustling to get nowhere - fast. It turns out all the hustling got us was an extended stay in a hotel - BUILDERS!! Aaargh!

I can't complain too much, I guess. The meals are good and I don't need to cook or clean (with the exception of some tidying and dishes). There is an exercise room and pool to keep the kids happy and entertained and built-in playdates with kids from other families in similar predicaments...and so began the the Suite Life (similar to the show of the same name).

The kids love it, and I guess it's not so bad.

1 comment:

  1. You sure are living the suite life! No cooking or cleaning, kind of like you’re on vacation wouldn't you say?
